What is mud pump and its classifications
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What is mud pump and its classifications

Publish Time: 2022-12-14     Origin: Site

A mud pump (sometimes called a mud drilling pump or drilling mud pump) is a reciprocating piston/plunger pump designed to circulate drilling fluid along the drill string at high pressure (up to 7,500 psi or 52,000 kPa) and support the annulus.Mud pumps are an important part of oil well drilling equipment.


By performance type 

Mud pumps can be divided into single-acting pumps and double-acting pumps according to the number of times the suction and drainage actions are completed in a cycle of piston reciprocating motion.

According to the number of linings (pistons/plungers)

Mud pumps come in many sizes and configurations, but for a typical oil rig, a triplex (three piston/ram) mud pump is used.Duplex mud pumps (two pistons/plungers) have generally been replaced by triple pumps,but are still common in developing countries.Two later developments were the hexagonal pump with six vertical pistons/plungers, and various quintuple pumps with five horizontal pistons/plungers.These new pumps have the advantage of lower mud noise compared to traditional triplex pumps, which facilitates better measurement while drilling (MWD) and logging while drilling (LWD) decoding.


2.A "normal" mud pump consists of two main subassemblies,the liquid end and the power end.

3.Liquid end.

4.The fluid end produces the pumping process through valves, pistons and bushings.Since these parts are high wear parts, modern pump designs allow for quick replacement of these parts.

5.To reduce severe vibrations caused by the pumping process,these pumps incorporate suction and discharge pulsation dampeners.They connect to the inlet and outlet of the fluid side.

6.Power end.

7.The power end converts the rotation of the drive shaft into the reciprocating motion of the piston.In most cases, a crosshead crank gear is used for this.

8.Mud pump parts

9.The mud pump is composed of mud pump cylinder liner, mud pump piston, module, hydraulic seat puller and other components.The components of the mud pump:the housing itself,Lining with padding,Cover plus packaging,Piston and piston rod,Suction and discharge valves and their seats,Stuffing box (double acting pump only)),Gland (only in double-acting pumps),Pulsation damper.

Performance parameters[edit]

There are two main parameters to measure the performance of a mud pump: displacement and pressure.


Displacement is calculated in liters discharged per minute. It is related to the diameter of the borehole and the return velocity of drilling fluid from the bottom of the hole, that is, the larger the diameter of the borehole, the greater the displacement required.The drilling fluid return speed should promptly wash away the cuttings and cuttings cut by the drill bit from the bottom of the hole, and reliably carry them to the surface. When drilling geological cores, the speed is generally in the range of 0.4 to 1.0m^3/min.


The pressure of the pump depends on the depth of the borehole, the resistance of the flushing fluid (drilling fluid) to pass through the channels, and the nature of the drilling fluid being delivered.The deeper the hole, the greater the pipe resistance and the higher the pressure required.As the borehole diameter and depth vary, the pump displacement can be adjusted accordingly. In the mud pump mechanism, a gearbox or a hydraulic motor is installed to adjust its speed and displacement. In order to accurately measure changes in pressure and displacement, flow meters and pressure gauges are installed in the mud pump.

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